Hardwood Floor Drying
Don’t Let This Happen to Your Hardwood Floors… Water can damage your hardwood floors very quickly. It is important to extract that water and dry beneath your hardwood floors as soon as possible.
Jimmy Garza is EL Paso areas First company to specialize Exclusively in Professional Water Removal and Drying Services
Hardwood floors require FAST and special attention. Many people believe that replacement is the only option when their hardwood floor is affected in a water loss. However, this is not always the case. If Jimmy Garza Emergency Water Removal is called into action on a water loss before the floors have begun to buckle (buckling occurs when the nails begin to pull through the floor) in most cases we are able to save the floor.
No other system on the market today can dry wood floors better, faster or even come close to the results we have gotten with our Heat Drying System. We have saved many homeowners and insurance companies thousands of dollars.
No other system on the market today can dry wood floors better, faster or even come close to the results we have gotten with our Heat Drying System. We have saved many homeowners and insurance companies thousands of dollars.

Drying Hardwood Floors requires specific knowledge and special equipment to dry hardwood floors.
We Can Help With Our Blood and Biohazard Cleaning Services!
In our 90% of our cases, property insurance pays for our services